The PEP hosted an informational session during week 7 to share information about this rich educational opportunity. Katie Dwyer, Coordinator for the Prison Education Program, started the session by sharing information about the PEP and all that it entails. Interns Miriam and Monique then gave introductions about the upcoming courses. Miriam and Monique will be the Outside learning assistants for winter courses; in this role they assist with administrative tasks, preparing feedback for Inside students, and transportation of Outside students to the correctional institutions.
PEP participants Kyle and John, both former students, were also in attendance. Students who were considering taking an Inside-Out class were able to ask Kyle and John questions and hear about their lived experiences and their enthusiasm for Inside-Out classes. It was really special to have these two men, who were leaders with the UO while inside, are now thriving and continuing to advocate for education now that they are back in the community.
This event was a great success. We had an incredible 72 applications for 26 open spots in Winter Inside-Out courses, SOC 410 “Social Inequality” with Ellen Scott and GEOG 445 “Culture, Ethnicity, and Nationalism” with Shaul Cohen.