News and Updates

News & Updates

Sterling featured in the Washington Post

This is an excellent article, and very glad to see one of our University of Oregon graduates, Sterling Cunio, quoted! Books can be life-changing, and we have seen that impact in our classes, workshops, book discussions, and when people apply to take our classes. Used...

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Donate to Ducks Give on May 16th

The PEP is participating in the University of Oregon’s 9th annual Ducks Give Fundraiser on Thursday, May 16th! During this event, you can make donations that will directly impact the PEP and unlock “Challenge Gifts” so your contribution goes even further. Check the...

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Former PEP Student Highlight – Sterling

Former PEP Student Highlight – Sterling

The above photo is of Sterling at the White House for A Summit on Arts  and Culture in our Communities  At the EMU art show, people had the opportunity to view the art, provide their impressions of art to be sent to the artists, and hear from various people about the...

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Intern Spotlight – Kyle

Intern Spotlight – Kyle

“Prison is supposed to be a rehabilitation place and isn’t, but education is,” Kyle says. Kyle, a graduating senior, has been the reentry intern with the PEP for two years. His work largely focuses on creating and expanding resources for people reentering society...

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Intern Applications Open for 2024-2025 School Year

Announcing: Prison Education Program internship applications open for our internship for the upcoming year! Applications are due April 5th by 11:59pm The University of Oregon’s Prison Education Program is opening applications for our 2024-2025 internship.  Our interns...

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Announcing: 2024 Spring Term Inside-Out classes 

Inside-Out classes take place inside a prison, with an equal number of campus-based students and incarcerated (“inside”) students. Classes are discussion based and have had an incredibly positive impact on both the outside and inside students. Because of the drive...

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Find out some of the current PEP news through the quarterly newsletter created by the UO PEP interns. Contributions by inside and outside participants.



Winter 2019 Newsletter
Winter 2019 Newsletter

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