Celebrating One Year of LEAP!

In July of 2021, the Prison Education Program sent its first Learning Engagement and Activities Packets (LEAP) to OSP. LEAP is for folks in special housing units, and the idea for the project originally came from leaders on the inside. Readers can reflect on a range of open-ended prompts that encourage creative thinking and expression. PEP receives and responds to the variety of insightful ideas that people share in writing and art. With packets having now gone to hundreds of people at OSP, we’ve been blown away by the level of engagement and thoughtfulness.

Book Donations

The UO Prison Education Program collects books year-round to donate to correctional facilities’ libraries. Popular topics include money management, nonfiction, and books of any genre in Spanish. The program will announce book drives and more donation opportunities throughout the school year. If you would like to donate one or more books, or are otherwise curious about being involved in our program, please email uoprisoned@uoregon.edu or contact us here through our website.

Summer Courses

Though COVID paused face-to-face classes, the Prison Education Program has provided packet-format courses to inside students at Oregon State Penitentiary, Oregon State Correctional Institution, Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, and Deer Ridge Correctional Institution. Enrollment for the summer term was 98 students, between six classes (listed below). Moreover, we are thrilled to announce the graduation of two students at the end of summer term, both of whom are receiving undergraduate degrees in General Social Sciences!


The courses offered during summer term are:

Geography 468/510: Geography of Food Systems, Professor Leslie McLees

Geography 410/510: Landscapes of Climate Change, Professor Leslie McLees

Geography 410/510: Global Change, with Professor Scott Warren

College of Arts & Sciences 407/507: Conflict Resolution, Professor Katie Dwyer

Math 107: University Math III, Professor Craig Tingey

Political Science 405/505: Democracy and Power in Contemporary American Politics, Professor Gerald Berk

Classes with two course numbers are offered at both undergraduate and graduate levels. More information on packet courses and inside-out classes can be found on our website.