About Us
The Prison Education Program was established in 2016, building on collaboration between the University of Oregon and the Department of Corrections to offer credited classes through the Inside-Out Program beginning in 2007.
We work in an interdisciplinary academic framework, and with a broad range of students, campus organizations, community groups, and national organizations working to improve educational opportunities in prisons.
Shaul Cohen
Shaul Cohen is the Director of the Prison Education Program. He is a professor of Geography at the UO, with research interests in conflict resolution, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, and broad ideas of social theories and place and identity.
In addition to his work with the PEP, Shaul is the Academic Director of the Carnegie Global Oregon Ethics Program, an Inside-Out instructor and member of Inside-Out’s National Executive Team.

Josh Cain, PEP TV Curator
Josh Cain is the content curator for the Prison Education Program’s PEP TV Project. He utilizes his lived experience as a formerly incarcerated person and his extensive educational involvement to bring a well-rounded perspective to this position.
In addition to his work as a PEP Associate, Josh contributes regularly for colleges, and volunteers for Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE), a non-profit focused on prisoner advocacy and criminal justice reform.

TC*, LEAP Program Consultant
TC is a college instructor whose research and teaching areas include carceral education, restorative justice, critical race theory, and anti-racist education. TC is the content creator and project lead for the LEAP (Learning, Engagement, and Activities Packets) project, which engages with people in special housing units. This involves selecting content, designing packets that are both beautiful and useful, and responding to written work by participants. Outside of UO PEP work, TC is a leader and innovator in organizing opportunities for incarcerated folks and in working in film and other artistic spaces.
*Note: because of the nature of this project, TC is anonymous in written comments and online.
Interns assist in class and workshop facilitation, administrative support, innovating new projects, and taking care of a myriad of other necessary roles. Interns have been trained by the Prison Education Program, and most are also trained DOC volunteers and have completed the national Inside-Out training.

Majors: Global studies & Political Science

Major: Economic Globalization

Majors: English & History

Major: Political Science

Majors: Human Physiology & Sociology

Major: Global (Development) Studies

Major: General Social Science

Majors: Neuroscience

Majors: Sociology & Planning, Public Policy, and Management

Majors: Russian, Political Science

Major: Psychology

Major: Psychology

Majors: Economics & Planning, Public Policy, and Management

Major: Philosophy
This OSP Education Group has been meeting regularly since 2010. In that time, the group has conducted instructor trainings, has co-authored academic writing, has invited visitors from a variety of academic and community groups, and has supported multiple educational efforts at the Oregon State Penitentiary and elsewhere in Oregon.

ACE in Winter 2012

Mark Carey
Professor of History and Environmental Studies Director, Environmental Studies Program
Courses taught:
HC 434H/431H: Water, Climate, and Environmental Justice
ENVS 410/510: Climate Justice

Anita Chari
Associate Professor of Political Science
Courses taught:
HC 431H: Autobiography as Political Agency

Shaul Cohen
Associate Professor of Geography
Carnegie Council Global Ethics Fellow
Courses taught:
HC 444H/431H: Geography and American Folk, From Angelou to Springsteen
GEOG 410: Nationalism and Ethnicity
GEOG 410: Imagined Communities
GEOG 410: Geographies of Identity
GEOG 444: Cultural Geography

Jeffery Librett
Professor of German
Courses taught:
GERM 220M/SCAN 220M: Existentialism in Literature and Philosophy

Caroline Lundquist
Professor of Philosophy
Courses taught:
Phil 101: Intro to Ethics

Dawn Marlan
Professor of Comparative Literature
Courses taught:
CHC 444/431H: The Ethics of Ambiguity

Ellen Scott
Professor of Sociology
Courses taught:
HC 424H: Institutional Inequality, Individual Lives
SOC 410: Race, Gender, and Poverty in the United States

Steven Shankman
Professor of English
UNESCO Chair in Transcultural Studies, Interreligious Dialogue, and Peace
Courses taught:
HC 421H: Literature and Ethics
HC 421H: Tolstoy
ENG 407/607: Levinas and Shakespeare

Kristen Bell
Assistant Professor
Courses taught:
PHIL 407: Mercy and the Rule of Law