We are proud to announce that our new project, UO PEP TV has launched! DVDs were sent to all 14 institutions around Oregon, with a request to play the content over the institutional education chanel. That means there is a potential audience of 14,000 people who will be able to watch these guest lecturers from past UO events.
The content was carefully chosen by our PEP TV Content Curator, Josh Cain, who is one of our former inside members of ACE and a graduate of the UO while inside. He chose talks on a variety of topics, which we hope will capture the interest of a broad range of folks on the inside. The current “Season” has two hours of content each week for 10 weeks, and we hope to expand in the future. All lectures are drawn from the UO Humanities Center, and we are grateful for their support and participation.
[embeddoc url=”https://prisoned.uoregon.edu/files/2021/06/UO-PEP-TV-Season-1-TV-Guide.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]